October 13, 2009

First Snow of the Year

Saturday was our first snow day for the year and the first snow day for the babies as well.(At least the first time they actually got to play in the snow.) All we can really say about the snow is they LOVED it!!!!

September Fun

One afternoon Jason was watering a dry spot in the grass. The kids were playing outside, having fun. Of course, when they saw the sprinkler, that is where they wanted to play. They both were playing in the sprinkler, clothes sopping wet, diapers super soggy, so.................We took them off!!!!They had a ball playing in the water.
Jason was working in the yard and garden one evening. Before he knew it, the kids were "helping".
Jaysek was having a ball exploring. And playing in the grass.
Jensyn joined in the fun as well. Look at this dirty boy!!!!!

I am onery!!!!!