Last Thursday we made the trek to Denver for the babies checkups at Children's Hospital. Jensyn had an appointment to check her heart and Jaysek had an appointment to check his eyes.
We also went over to University Hospital(where the babies were born)and visited with some of the nurses that the babies had while in the NICU there. It was a very weird feeling to walk down the hall to the NICU again. It was as if we had never left. We had a great visit with the nurses and they were all excited to see the babies and how big they have gotten.
Jensyn's appointment was to check to see if the hole in her heart(ASD) had gotten smaller or closed. The Dr. listened to her heart and looked at the results of the EKG and told us she didn't think we needed to do an echo this time. Everything looked and sounded good. She said since Jensyn has not shown us any signs of having problems that she didn't need to come back for 2 years at which time we will do an echo and see if the hole in her heart has closed completely.
What great news!!
Jason was feeding the kids a snack and reading to them to keep them entertained while we waited for the doctor to see Jaysek.
Jaysek did really well with his appointment also. His appointment was to checkout a lazy eye that had been noticed by our regular eye doctor several months ago. He had to have his eyes dilated then wait to see the doctor. The doctor found that he may have a slight issue with a lazy eye possibly when he is really tired or run down, but he didn't see it being a problem right now. The doctor did say he was maybe a little farsighted but that we didn't need to do anything about it at this time. He said to have him checked by our regular eye doctor in a year.
More great news!!!
The kids got to ride around the hospital in style. They love to ride in the wagon!!!
Jaysek in his cool shades. Because he had his eyes dilated, the sun really bothered him. They gave him these cool shades to help.
Precious Cargo!!!
That is great news!! Glad to hear it!
Thanks for sharing the good news with all of us!
Matt and Stacy
Seeing Jensyn all hooked up for sound brings back lots of memories of DR. visits with Jason.
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